Journey to a Full-Time Job: Shekhar’s Experience

This is the testimonial of one of our students who completed the course at Cuvette. We’re excited to share Shekhar’s story as he navigated the challenges of transitioning from college to securing his first full-time job.

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Hi, I’m Shekhar, a 2021 B.Tech graduate in Computer Science. After graduation, I struggled to find a full-time job, but with perseverance, continuous learning, and guidance from Cuvette, I was able to land a job. Here’s how my journey unfolded.

The Early Struggles

After completing my degree, I interned at a couple of companies, but I couldn’t secure a full-time role. I found myself jobless for two months, feeling frustrated and unsure of what to do next. That’s when I realized I needed to upskill and improve my employability.

Enrolling in the Cuvette Course

A friend of mine, who had completed a course at Cuvette and secured a great job, encouraged me to enroll in the January batch. Inspired by his success, I decided to take the plunge, hoping it would help me land my first full-time position as well.

Learning Journey

Over the next 8 to 10 months, I fully immersed myself in Cuvette’s curriculum. The initial months were focused on building a strong foundation in web development, starting with basic HTML and progressively moving to JavaScript and React. This structured approach gave me a solid understanding of front-end development.

Front-End Development

During the front-end training, I worked on various applications that reinforced my learning. These hands-on projects allowed me to apply the concepts in a practical way, which boosted my confidence in web development.

Transition to Back-End Development

After about five months, we shifted to back-end development. I found this part particularly rewarding, thanks to my mentor, who made complex concepts like Node.js easy to grasp. This transition from front-end to back-end development broadened my skill set and gave me the ability to work as a full-stack developer.

Mastering Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA)

Once the core curriculum was complete, I attended interactive Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) classes. Before joining Cuvette, I hadn’t focused much on DSA, but these classes helped me revise and strengthen my understanding of the essential concepts. Regular attendance kept me engaged and prepared for the technical challenges ahead.

Final Project and Realization

As part of the course, I was required to complete a full-stack project. Initially, I didn’t take it as seriously as I should have. I completed it in a rush, and unsurprisingly, it was full of bugs, with a couple of malfunctioning functions. That experience taught me an important lesson: I needed to approach my projects with more seriousness and attention to detail.

Second Attempt

Determined to get it right, I put in significant time and effort for my second attempt at the project. This time, I successfully completed it, passing the evaluation. It was a major milestone in my journey, and it felt great to see the results of my hard work.

Entering the Placement Pool

Once I passed the project, I was scheduled for an interview at Cuvette. Clearing that interview allowed me to enter their placement pool, which was managed by Mr. Susant. From there, things started moving quickly. I began receiving assignments and interview calls from various companies almost immediately.

Interview Process

The first company I interviewed with was based in Pune. The process involved two rounds: one with the technical lead and the other with the founders. These interviews were thorough, assessing both my technical skills and whether I was a good fit for the company.

Lessons Learned

Throughout my journey, I learned some valuable lessons:

  • Break Down Projects: Breaking tasks into smaller, manageable parts made the work less overwhelming.
  • Time Management: Managing my time effectively was critical, especially when I had multiple assignments and deadlines.
  • Prioritize Assignments: Focusing on assignments that aligned with my career goals helped me streamline my efforts.
  • Continuous Learning: Consistently revising concepts and practicing coding kept me sharp and prepared for interviews.

Advice for Job Seekers

To anyone struggling to find a job, my advice is to stay positive and keep pushing forward. Believe in yourself, work hard, and don’t give up. The job search can be tough, but with perseverance and the right guidance, success will follow.

Final Thoughts

I’m grateful to Cuvette for helping me refine my skills and ultimately secure a full-time job. The structured learning, mentorship, and support I received were crucial to my growth and success. My journey is proof that with dedication and the right resources, you can overcome the challenges of the job market.

For anyone feeling lost or struggling to find their footing, enrolling in a structured program like Cuvette could give you the tools and opportunities you need to succeed.

Shekhar’s journey showcases the power of persistence and structured learning. It serves as an inspiration for others navigating the competitive tech job market, especially recent graduates looking for their breakthrough.

If you are also looking for jobs, join our Placement Guaranteed Course designed by top IITians and Senior developers & get a Job guarantee of CTC upto 25 LPA – /placement-guarantee-program

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