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On the day of your interview:
- Conduct your interview in a well-lit and ideally quiet setting, free of distractions. Given the widespread shift to remote work and potential impacts on personal life, you may face unique circumstances such as children, pets, or family members in your workspace. Rest assured, our interview teams are empathetic to these situations. We’re all in this together.
- Check your internet connection to ensure it’s stable and functioning properly.
- Ensure your webcam is working correctly. If you don’t have a headset, be ready to mute your microphone when you’re not speaking.
- If you’re using a laptop, cellphone, or tablet, make sure your device is fully charged before the interview.
- If you encounter technical issues during your interview, close and reopen the Chime bridge.
- If you still face connectivity problems, dial in from your mobile phone using the toll-free number provided in the interview invitation.
- Immediately email your recruiting contact if you’re unable to connect via phone.
Additional tips:
- The dress code is comfortable and casual.
- For interviews involving technical tasks (such as coding or design exercises), consider drawing your solution and presenting it to the interviewer. If applicable, you have several options:
- Use a drawing or diagramming tool on your computer and share that window through Chime.
- Utilize a free web-based whiteboarding tool like the AWW app and share your browser screen via Chime.
- Draw your solution on a piece of paper and hold it up to the camera when ready.
- Practice using Chime and your chosen exercise solution before your interview for familiarity and confidence.
If you are also looking for jobs, join our Placement Guaranteed Course designed by top IITians and Senior developers & get a Job guarantee of CTC upto 25 LPA – https://cuvette.tech/placement-guarantee-program/
Important DSA Questions:
- Two Sum
- Three Sum
- Largest Contiguous Sum
- Matrix Rotation
- Row Column Zero
- Next Greater Permutation
- Max Consecutive Ones
- Inversion Count
- Merge Overlapping Intervals
- Search Range
- Square Root
- Max Consecutive Ones
- Implement Merge Sort
- Implement Quicksort
- Merge Overlapping Intervals
- Trapping Rain Water
- k-diff pairs
- Largest Rectangle in Histogram
- Next Greater Element
- Sliding Window Maximum
- Longest Substring Without Repeat
- Longest Subarray with Zero Sum
- Longest Consecutive Sequence
- Distinct Numbers in Window
- Four Sum
- Longest Substring with K Unique Characters
- Rat In A Maze
- Combination Sum 1
- Combination Sum 2
- Word Break
- Palindrome Partitioning
- Subsets – II
- Letter Combinations of a Phone Number
- Generate Parentheses
- Restore IP Addresses
- Subsets
- Sudoku Solver
- Combinations
- Word Search Board
- Number of Islands
- M-Coloring Problem
- Knight’s Journey On A Chessboard
- Stepping Numbers
- Valid Path
Linked Lists:
- Intersection of Two Linked Lists
- Clone List with Random Pointer
- Reverse a Linked List
- Middle Element of Linked List
- Merge Two Sorted Linked List
- Delete Xth Node From End of Linked List
- Add Two Numbers as Lists
- Linked List Palindrome
- Detect Loop in Linked List
- Remove Loop From Linked List
- Rotate a Linked List
- Flatten a Multi-Level Linked List
- Remove Element at Kth Position in Linked List
- Find xth Node from End of Linked List
- Reverse a Linked List II
- Reverse a Linked List in k-groups
- Add One to Linked List
- Reorder List
- Symmetric Binary Tree
- Maximum Path Sum of Binary Tree
- Identical Binary Trees
- Lowest Common Ancestor in Binary Tree
- Balanced Binary Tree
- Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal
- Bottom View of Binary Tree
- Right View of Binary Tree
- Binary Tree Inorder Traversal
- Binary Tree Preorder Traversal
- Binary Tree Postorder Traversal
- Maximum Depth of Binary Tree
- Diameter of Binary Tree
- Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List
- Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node
- Invert Binary Tree
- Two Sum in BST
- Kth Largest in BST
- Kth Smallest in BST
- Inorder Successor of Node in BST
- Is Binary Tree BST
- Lowest Common Ancestor in BST
Stacks and Queues:
- Implement Queue using Array
- Implement Queue using Stacks
- Implement Stack using Queues
- Implement Min Stack
- Balanced Parentheses
- Word Search Board
- Number of Islands
- M-Coloring Problem
- Knight’s Journey On A Chessboard
- Stepping Numbers
- Valid Path
- Valid Course Schedule
If you are also looking for jobs, join our Placement Guaranteed Course designed by top IITians and Senior developers & get a Job guarantee of CTC upto 25 LPA – https://cuvette.tech/placement-guarantee-program/
Important Technical Questions:
- Circular String Formation: Given an array of strings, determine if they can be arranged in a circular chain where each string’s last character matches the next string’s first character.
- Efficient Data Structure: Describe an efficient data structure for minimizing operations in an array, including adding a value to a range and finding the value of a specified element.
- Palindrome Check: Determine if the sequence {a, n, d} forms a palindrome. Additionally, devise a method to identify if a random string is a palindrome.
- AVL Tree Implementation: Discuss the implementation details of AVL trees.
- Linked List Manipulation: Reverse K nodes in a given linked list.
- Binary Search in an Array: Search for an element in an array with elements initially increasing then decreasing, using a modified binary search.
- Finding Second Largest Element: Find the second largest element in an array efficiently.
- Occurrence of an Element: Given a sorted array with repeated elements, find the occurrence of a specific element using binary search.
- Directory Structure Management: Create a data structure and algorithm to print all files in a directory, including subdirectories.
- Binary Search Tree to Doubly Linked List (DLL) Conversion: Convert a Binary Search Tree (BST) into a Doubly Linked List (DLL), and vice versa, in place.
- Binary Tree Operations: Perform operations like vertical traversal and finding the Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) in Binary Trees and Binary Search Trees.
- Graph and Tree Differences: Define a tree and distinguish between a graph and a tree.
- Graph Properties and Implementation: Determine if a given graph is a tree using an adjacency matrix.
- Linked List Arithmetic: Write a function to add two numbers represented by linked lists.
- Stack-Based Problems: Solve stack-related problems like the stock span problem and finding the next greater element.
- Time Complexity and Hashing: Define constant time complexity and explain the concept of hashing.
- Database Management Language Compiler (DML): Discuss the function of a DML compiler.
- Indexing Methods: List at least four types of indexing used in databases.
If you are also looking for jobs, join our Placement Guaranteed Course designed by top IITians and Senior developers & get a Job guarantee of CTC upto 25 LPA – https://cuvette.tech/placement-guarantee-program/
Important HR Questions:
- Tell us about yourself.
- Why did you apply for Amazon?
- What inspires you to be part of the Amazon family?
- What is your dream company? Why Amazon? How is it different from its competitors?
- Why do you want to be a part of Amazon?
- How did you come to know about Amazon?
- Are you comfortable with changing cities for the job? Do you know someone working in Amazon?
- Any queries?
- What are your short term & long term career goals?
- Use only 3 words to describe yourself.
- What makes you better than other candidates here?
- Why should we hire you?
- Tell us your weaknesses that hinder your work? How will you overcome them if we hire you?
- Why do you want to leave your current company in such a short interval?
- Did you ask your current company to provide that type of work as you are looking for in Amazon?
- What did you buy via online shopping last time?
- Name the founder of Amazon.
These preparation tips not only set the foundation for succeeding in Amazon’s technical interviews but are also applicable to technical interviews at other companies, making them universally valuable for any tech professional’s career advancement.
If you are also looking for jobs, join our Placement Guaranteed Course designed by top IITians and Senior developers & get a Job guarantee of CTC upto 25 LPA – https://cuvette.tech/placement-guarantee-program/
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